The deeper the dive into Self the shinier the pearl
Doha - Saudi Arabia - World Wide Walls
12/25/20241 min read
Doha - Saudi Arabia
Caratoes is grateful for the opportunity to create a mural inspired by Muslim women, celebrating their strength and resilience while getting to know local artist @silverbonse more. This experience has highlighted that, regardless of our different religions, women around the world share similar journeys, challenges, and triumphs.
The mural also reflects the rich history of Doha, particularly its legacy of pearl diving. The mechanical components featured in the artwork draw inspiration from photographs of the original petroleum pipes that significantly transformed the city’s economy and culture. These elements symbolize the potential for groundbreaking change, deeply rooted in history and culture, even amidst the chaos of life.
Caratoes extends heartfelt appreciation to @silverbonse for her enlightening conversation and for sharing her captivating stories and cultural insights. Additionally, gratitude is expressed to @worldwidewallsdoha for facilitating this remarkable journey.